Friday 6 November 2015

Asian is the name of the Game!

This month the theme at the Stuff Sales Room is "Asian". B!Homme and B!Femme put their heads together to create two simply awesome, co-ordinated outfits for Him and for Her. Rather than tgo to the Far East for inspiration, they chose India. A beautiful Sari for the ladies and a flamboyant Hoodie and leggings for the men. The garments could easily be worn as traditional Indian Bridal outfits or a candle lit romantic dinner for two.

Pop on down to their booth at the Stuff Sales Room and grab them.. They will not break the bank.

Best wishes,
Cuyler DaRand and Marty Dalglish

B!Femme and B!Homme @ their in-world New Release Boutique
B!Femme Marketplace
B!Homme Marketplace